Friday, October 30, 2009

4th grade

Yesterday I took a last minute sub job at the same school as last week. This was a different class. I was so excited that I was called, I forgot to ask about the class. Their school starts at 8 am and I got the call at 745 am. While I can be spontaneous, I like to have things planned so I can mentally prepare. And it was a Thursday - I don't usually have a babysitter for Kelsey on Thursdays.

I missed the call by not getting to the phone fast enough. I listened to the message and called the school right back. It was for half day - just the morning. That worked out perfect for me since The dad was going to a doctor appointment that morning. He would be able to take Ms. K with him - not always the best situation - but it worked.

I got to the class and the teacher was there. She needed to go home to be with her own daughter who has swine flu. YUCK!! Now I was worried about touching anything in the classroom. I don't want to be sick. Everything falls apart with the mom is sick. I don't want to be sick!!!! Anyway - as the teacher is leaving I ask the class what grade this is. They all tell me 4Th grade. I then replied, "Oh good, then you all know the rules and I don't have to worry about anyone breaking them." The teacher then said, "Oh yes - we have already talked about proper sub statute etiquette." She had a plan for the day all ready for me.

When she came back at lunch, I shared with her some of the fun experiences we had encountered while she was gone.
- When I went to collect the PM kids, I came back to three students getting out the frog.
- One student decided that he was going to be English for the day and spoke with an accent. When I asked him about his British accent, he corrected me by explaining he was English because he was from London. I shared with him that London was in Great Brittan, therefore he would also be British. He said, "I guess I should have known that."
- The class had a "specialty" that morning which was P.E. When I went back to collect the class, they were getting lined up and one kid called another a name so that kid scratched in retaliation. The P.E. teacher saw it, not me. Those two lost a recess.

It was a pretty good class and I would do it again. But even for a half day, I was very tired. And I did get sick. I took a long nap, but ended up with a fever. Today I rested and slept a lot of the day. But now I feel better and am ready for Halloween tomorrow.


Becky said...

Ha ha ha! I love it when kids speak in accents! Hilarious! And I could imagine him saying, "I guess I should have known that." in his accent! So funny!

I hope you feel better soon.

Kathy said...

I'm glad you're feeling better.