Tuesday, May 13, 2008


School is school. I now remember why it was so easy for me to stop going after I got married. I am taking two classes right now. One is a general class teaching me how to take classes online. I am frustrated at the slow pace of this class. The assignments are tedious. I feel that most of the information is common sense, but I am coming to the realization that many people do not use their computers as often as I do. Which brings me to my other class which is a basic computer knowledge class. This one is also bothersome. The Dad keeps telling me to not over think the assignments, and that I am probably putting more into it than others would be. I then remind myself that taking these "easy" classes are a good way to ease into taking classes again.

Good news though, I have 14 units towards the 64 units I need for my AA in Education. I actually have 28 units between West Valley and San Jose City, but only 14 transfer. That means I don't have to take any more math!!!! Well, until I decide to really go back to school in two years and get the engineering degree. I am still thinking about that. Once I have the AA I will be able to get a substitute teaching license here in Nevada. That will be helpful!

At least I am 3 weeks into the 9 weeks of these classes. The time is going by pretty quick. This week I am trying to get two weeks of work done since I am going with Ohtee on his birthday trip to Disneyland next week. We got the kids a trip to Disneyland with just mom in February before all this no job stuff happened. I am looking forward to the happy distraction.


Emily said...

school sucks, the yard looks great! and what do you need to actually teach in Nevada?

The Wells said...

You need a four year degree and a credential to be a fully benefited teacher. I am not shooting for the top just yet.