My cousin recently posted on her blog about how her daughter cut her hair (either by herself or with the help of the older, 4 year old, sister). This story reminded me of a haircut I once received.
I am not exactly sure how old I was. I think it was second grade, so I was certainly old enough to know better. Our family was living in Salt Lake City or maybe we were already in West Yellowstone. My parents went out and Uncle Ed was left in charge of us (three little girls). `
The great idea was had that we wanted "Laura Ingles" bangs. Little did my young mind realize, but Laura Ingles had GROWN her hair out so as to not have bangs. Since I didn't know this, I took the scissors and cut my bangs as close to my head as I dared. I remember being under a sheet/kitchen chair fort. After realizing what had happened. We began to wonder how we were not going to get in trouble, so I added a head band and Uncle Ed never noticed. At least I don't remember him noticing.
I do remember that school pictures were shortly after this incident. If I was kind to the readers, I would fish that picture out of a box somewhere, but I am not sure if I am that nice (or that organized).
I am sure I have forgotten some details and maybe mom and Julie can fill in the blanks. I just thought I would share a quick memory.